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List of Known Colonies

   (Authors' point of view: The primary reason for the canon point "CC does not control anything outside of Earthat space" is to allow the different authors to each write about their own colony/fleet/system/whatever and thus to have the Diaspora include a variety of different societies which all have a common underlying culture.  One author may have a great amount of freedom for all inhabitants of 'their' colony while another author may have everything locked down at 'their' colony in the next system.  As long as they all follow the minimum requirements of the AIs for the Human part of the Confederacy, the author is free to write about what he wants.
   Note that some authors have even come up with ways to completely step aside from the Confederacy's rules and have written about non-Confed colonies.  Escardis, P'yong, Reck, and the Cosca worlds are good examples.)

   As time passes other Systems will come to the attention of the Human Race but these are the ones that have been settled so far - not all of them are "Confederacy" Worlds.


   Within the Confederacy the naming of habitable systems takes the form of the main world with the suffix "-at".  Therefore the Sol system is known to the Confederacy as Earthat.  There are systems with Human colonies that have ignored this procedure and are known by separate distinctive names but this generally occurred very early in the colonization effort.
   This is an alphabetic list of Confederacy colony systems.  Many colonies are well-enough known to have their own pages.

Albionat System - (Albion by Duke of Ramus)

  • Planet Albion - Colony world for the British Commonwealth

Andamanat System - (Mentioned in Living a CAP-Based Present by Allan Joyal)

  • Andaman - New colony

Ankwat System - (Mentioned in The Chuck Hole by Thinking Horndog)

(Nothing is known about it yet.)

Aresat System - (Going, Going by Tomken)

  • Planet 3 - Ares - Original colony
  • Planet 4 - a Jovian with inhabitable moons
  1. Aphrodite - New "Breeder" colony

Atalantaat System - (Rosencrantz and Guildenstern)

  • Planet Nova Alabama - Confederacy colony lost to Sa'arm

   'Trials and Tribunations' has two of three Auroras lost during evacuation under fire when Sa'arm showed up and defenses were not ready.

Atlantisat System - (Trials and Tribunations by Lordshipmayhem)

  • Atlantis - watery world, research/training/industrial/breeding colony

   Governor is Ben Hayward, Lt. Governor is Bella Catalia.

Azaharat System - (The Librarian by deGaffer)

  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Planet Azahar
  1. Demopolis - Research Colony
  2. Barcino - Manufacturing Colony
  • Five

Bedfordat System - (various stories by Smiley Smith)

The original colony of Bedford changed its name to Talbot in Year 3 SE to avoid confusion.  Either way, it serves as the 18th Military District HQ.

  • Planet Bedford - Colonies Bedford/Talbot, Nordham, Berwin
  • Planet Maple - Colonies Applegate, Libby
  • Planet Garfield - Colony Lee

Bethat System - (Mentioned in Ending This Mess by Zen Master)

   This started as Beerat's 'Enemy System Beta' then became the Confederacy colony "Betaat" when the outer system was conquered.  It was renamed "Bethat" when designated as a collection point for ethnic and religious Jews.

  • Planet Beta - Still held by Sa'arm
  • Planet Judea - Actually a moon of a gas giant.  Capital New Jerusalem

Beerat System - (Call This A Castle by Duke of Ramus and various stories by Zen Master)

  • Mead
  • Beer - Inhabited by pre-space natives; we get to try to protect them
  • Pils
  • Ale - Super-jovian gas giant. Actually a marginal star; it generates enough heat for several 'moons' to be in its own planetary liquid zone.
  1. Hotel - A moon being terraformed as a rest area for Confederacy personnel.
  2. Target - A moon set aside for weapons development and testing; no personnel should be anywhere close.
  3. New Barton Yard - The system's primary shipbuilding complex.
  • L4 - Collection of asteroids used by the Confederacy, human Beerat colony "The Womb".
  • L5 - Collection of asteroids used by the Confederacy as a military base.
  • Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta - 2nd-generation 'colonies' started as military bases to monitor Sa'arm planets in systems near Beerat.  Originally just designated System Alpha, Beta, etc, once the first dependents arrived they became independent Confederacy polities in their own right, known as Alphaat, Betaat, Gammaat, and Deltaat.  Betaat later became a home for Jews and was renamed 'Bethat'.

Borneoat System - (A Peril at Ishtar by Allan Joyal)

  • Borneo

Brakat System - (And Mother Reaches The Colonies by Duke of Ramus)

  • One
  • Brak - colony (also seat of 7th Military District)
  • Three
  • Fren - Mining and Ship building
  • Five

Chiralisat System

(Home of the colony Petrovast, which is on the planet a-Chiralis III.  The planet was settled by Russians and is frequently referred to as Petrovastan.  This colony is mentioned in "Mantrap".  We know nothing else about it.)

Chiv'nat System - (Glowing Recommendations by an anonymous former writer)

  • Chiv'n

Crucibleat System - (Mentioned in Living a CAP-Based Present by Allan Joyal)

  • Crucible - New colony just founded, home of two Patrician-Class scout ships

Dargoat System - (Mentioned in Destination Azahar by deGaffer)

(This colony was set up during CS William Penn's maiden voyage from Azahara.  Not much will be known about it until someone writes a story about it.)

  • Planet Dargo -

Deseretat System - (Mentioned in Ending This Mess by Zen Master)

(This colony was set up as a home for Mormon citizens of the Confederacy.  Not much will be known about it until someone writes a story about it.)

  • Planet Deseret -

Dightonat System

(This colony is known to be in the "Yankee" Military District but we know nothing else about it.)

Einsteinat System - (various stories by Smiley Smith)

(This colony is currently the farthest one from Earth, as it is located in the next inward galactic arm. It was founded soon after the 4th Battle of Earthat as an emergency last-ditch home for Humanity, after an expedition to the arms on either side of ours determined that there were no Sa'arm in <at least that section of> that arm.)

  • Planet Einstein -

Frikat System - (Neptune by Duke of Ramus)

  • Planet Frick - Confederacy Sector Base (nearest to Neptune system)

Geratat System - (A Perfect 10 Part 1 and A Perfect 10 Part 2 by Akarge)

  • Planet Gerat - "Vulcan Colony" Founded Year 5
  1. Moon Caeculus - Naval Base built later

Haruat System - (Behind Enemy Lines by deGaffer)

  • One
  • Two
  • Planet Haru
  1. Dothan - Headquarters Colony
  2. Orbiting Shipyard
  • Four

Heimdallat System - (various stories)

  • Planet Heimdall - (Primarily Icelandic)

Hudsonat System

(This colony is known to be in the "Yankee" Military District but we know nothing else about it.)

Ishtarat System - (A Peril at Ishtar by Allan Joyal)

   From an email from AJ on 7/17/20: "The Ishtar system doesn't have great resources.  At least not organic ones.  The system is an emerging one that was in the very early stages of formation which is why the planet's atmosphere is so acidic and toxic."

  • Planet Ishtar - Confederacy Supply Base (Planned, never completed)

Journeyat System - (Quasimodo Takes the Johnson Sisters by Openbook)

  • Planet Journey has four separate colonies planned:

   - Peaceful - Marine base
   - Pleasant - Naval base
   - Long - manufacturing center
   - Finished - weapons development center

Jutlandat System - (Ending This Mess by Zen Master)

  • Planet Jutland - Founded as a shipyard with minimal caretaker colony

In the Brak District, Jutland started as a small shipbuilding facility in a resource-rich system with no easily-terraformed planet.  Crews for completed ships were brought in to get checked out and take the ships where they were needed.  In year 9, DECO sent them an entire cubeship of prospective ship's crewmen, just over a quarter million men, women, and children.  After that, their production exploded.  By year 11 they were sending any ship desired to anyone who wanted them.  Already crewed, ready for use.

Kaydahat System - (Living a CAP-Based Present by Allan Joyal)

  • Kaydah - New colony

Kelorat System - (A Peril at Ishtar by Allan Joyal)

  • Kelor (mentioned in passing)

Konat System - (Sarah Gets a Family by Waltzing Melissa)

  • Planet Kon

Kuniumiat System - (The Troubled Celestial River by SGTStoner)

  • Kuniumi, a Japanese colony that is the home of the new Imperial Japanese Empire. Extractions to the system are done by the Japanese Empire and do not rely on DECO support. The area of space is in close proximity to Rek and several Sa'arm occupied worlds which the Japanese refer to as the Serpent Salient.  Established approximately Year 9.
  • Gas giant (unspecified)
  • asteroids (unspecified)

Lazidec System - (The Davidson Chronicles by Cat5)

  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • Emeter

Lippetat System - (various stories by Smiley Smith)

  • Planet Lippet - Colony Lippet

Logis 21 - (The Davidson Chronicles by Cat5)

  • Logis 21 - Military supply base

Medusaat - (Mentioned in Patrol Commander by Zen Master)

  • Moon Medusa - Headquarters of 9th Military District

   Medusa is the 3rd moon of a gas giant, the 5th planet in the system. It is large enough to provide 0.9 gravity naturally and has a CO2/CH4/NH3 atmosphere. 

Mongoat System - (various stories by Frostfyre)

  • Planet Frigia - Founded by survivors from Quay

   Frigia is a special-purpose colony serving as a long-term care facility for Confederacy personnel with injuries that do not immediately respond to Confed medical technology.

Minzorat System - (various stories by Smiley Smith)

  • Planet Minzora - Colony Minzora

Neptuneat System - (Neptune by Duke of Ramus)

  • Neptune One
  • Neptune Two
  • Neptune three - Trident
  • Neptune Four
  • Neptune Five
  • Neptune Six
  • Neptune Seven
  • Neptune Eight - Gas Giant
  1. OrbitalNaval Yard

Nova Roma System - (Dear Mom and Dad and After Lift)

(Colony world is still being terraformed and only has what was brought from Earth; plants and trees have been planted around the settlements.)
(known to have built at least one Cube Ship - when?)
(Colony's sole CSO is Faith Beldane)

Nova Terra System - (Surprise, Surprise! by Thinking Horndog)

  • Orbital Naval Yard (Produces first Cube Ship - Year Five)

Nuevo Bolivarat System - (Mystery Tour by Zipper D Dude)

(Mentioned in Mystery Tour as a Spanish-speaking colony)

Olympusat System

(Home of the colony Elysium.  This colony is mentioned in Acceptance.  We know nothing else about it.)

Ontariat System

(This colony is known to be in the "Yankee" Military District but we know nothing else about it.)

Poseidonat System - (The Cadet Saga by Duke of Ramus)

   This system was named "Poseidon" by the first Humans to enter it, and the only habitable planet was later named "Demeter".  The system is not "Demeterat", and the planet is not "Poseidon".  The AIs don't win all the fights.  See Poseidon for more details.

Prikat system - (Boldly Go by Duke of Ramus, also in While The Cats Away)

  • Prik - a colony mentioned in passing

Quayat System - (Acceptance by Frostfyre)

  • Quay

   Quay is a young world barely a billion years old.  It is Earth-like in size and composition so its gravity is close to Earth norm (.96g).  It has three moons which are much smaller and have slightly more distant orbits making them appear more like very bright stars.  Quay has no native life-forms but introduced algae and bamboo grew extremely well.  The atmosphere is low oxygen and high carbon dioxide, but terra-forming was proceeding smoothly.  Colonists had to have lung capacity enhanced to breathe without a respirator.
   When it was settled, no one realized the solar system charts made by the Darjee were centuries old and needed updating.  Just over a year after the colony was founded, meteor activity increased dramatically, culminating in a massive asteroid impacting the planet, causing an extinction-level event.  The original governor of the colony was a rather paranoid man named Sean Passa.  He was killed along with almost all the other sponsors during the initial impact.  The concubine Char became defacto leader of the survivors.
   The survivors were rescued and relocated to Frigia, in the Aquat (Mongoat?) system, where Char was officially given governorship of the planet.  There have been no efforts as yet to assess the damage to the planet and determine whether it can be made habitable again.

Quebecat System

(This colony is known to be in the "Yankee" Military District but we know nothing else about it.)

Rukabat System - (Mentioned in The Chuck Hole by Thinking Horndog)

(Was the Ruka's -an 'Elder Race'- home system until they evacuated before the Sa'arm got there.  Taken over as expedient safe harbor after a navigation accident damages the kilopod transport CS Northern Lights.  The transport's Fleet Auxiliary Captain Thaddeus Westmore is declared to be the Governor of the new ad-hoc colony.  Nothing else is known about it yet.)

Rukbat system - (THE Harem series by Omachuck)

  • Planet Pern
  1. Colony Harrad

Solarian System - (The Davidson Chronicles by Cat5)

  • One
  • Two
  • Solo
  1. Third military township is called Tangent

Soloat System - (Woolly Wilds and Woolly Wilds 2 by Starfiend)

  • Solo

   Soloat was so named because the system only has one single giant gas planet.  The entire system is barely 1 billion years old and still contains some 'debris' left over from the formation of the system.  The star is slightly hotter than Sol.
   Solo is larger than Jupiter, but with a ring system more akin to Saturn's.  It is closer to its primary than Mars is to Sol.
   Solo has 96 formal moons, plus lots of other pieces of rock in orbit around the planet.  The moons have not been explicitly named, and are referred to by their position, so Solo-1 is the innermost moon.  The largest moons are 15 through 21 plus 81 (Numbered outwards), 15 being the largest at just bigger than Earth.  15, 17 and 18 have atmospheres, though none are breathable.  The primary colony is on 15, but a manufacturing base is expected to be placed on 81.

Spindriftat - (Thirty Minutes or Less by Swarmfic)

  • Spindrift - Marine Base and shipyard

Tantalusat System - (The Mercury Incident by Thinking Horndog)

  • Tantalus

Tennesseeat - (Trials and Tribunations by Lordshipmayhem)

  • Nova Tennessee

Terennat System - (Bonding Or Bondage by an anonymous former writer)

  • Terenn

Terrineat System - (The Mercury Incident by Thinking Horndog)

  • Terrine

Thuleat System - (Chosen Frozen by Lordshipmayhem)

Trenat System - (Up, Up, and Away by McJeep)

  • Tren - Earthlike planet hosting all schooling for the A22 'Swift' three-man close attack fighter developed at Azahar.  Home of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Air Fighter Wings.  Initial 'ground-school' training for both air crew and ground crew is immediately after extraction using the schoolhouse transport CS Manfred Von Richthofen ("The Red Baron").  This allows live flight training to commence immediately upon arrival on Tran.  The Planetary Governor is Miranda Brown.

Trumanat System - (Alien Bear Baiting by Thinking Horndog)

  • Truman - Base for force blockading Tulakat (a new Sa'arm conquest).  Also the home of the 2nd Military District.  It is actually the moon of a gas giant.  It has been suggested that it might be at 178 G. Orionis.

Tulakat System - (The Mercury Incident by Thinking Horndog)

  • Tulak - Inhabited planet invaded by the Sa'arm

Tulak is currently being contained and used as a training and research situation by the military.  Was home to the Tulaki until the Sa'arm invasion.  Tulak has two moons.  Note that this system should not properly be on this colony list as there never was a Confederacy/Human colony there.  It has been suggested that Tulakat might be 52 G. Ori, about 150 ly from Sol and about 40 ly from Trumanat.

Vandergastat System - (Joacim & L'ielit Anthology by Benjin)

  • Vandergast

   Vandergast circles a G1 star.  It has only 0.9g gravity and consists of three continents.  60% of the surface area is ocean and the planet has developed its own biosphere with plants, fungus and insects.  There are a few insects that bite humans as we are toxic to them.    The planet's atmosphere turned out to be instable, once or twice in ten years Vandergast is hit by a solar storm that causes the atmosphere to build a lot of nitrogen oxides.  People walking outdoors when this happens tend to 'laugh to death'.
   From Vandergast part 1:  Since the concubines still felt as if they weren't in the position to ask dangerous questions, it was again Wanda who asked, "What happens if a Marine injures or kills another sponsor's concubine?  That's what they currently fear most it seems."
   "For Confederacy law, that's damaging another sponsor's property.  It's a minor crime and the sponsor has to repair the damage or replace it.  But we have raised the standards here too.  On some other colonies the killer simply would go to the Civil Service pool, get an unassigned concubine and give it to the other sponsor.  This is because every concubine counts as equal there.  On Vandergast, concubines count as unique property.  For Confederacy law, unique property is something that can't easily be replaced.  Replicators can't replicate living beings and nanites can only change the look and shape of a concubine but not what's between her ears.  This makes a big difference.  The Vandergast AI's accept your right to defend your lives, even against the attacks of a sponsor.  That's a lot better than on a lot of the other colonies."

Wallerat System - (various stories by Zipper D Dude)

  • Waller

   Waller is mostly desert. Liveable, but still being terraformed.  All native life is microscopic and confined to the sea.  Anything living on land is an import from Earth.  Oxygen levels are low, like living up a mountain, so colonists have nanite assistance with breathing.  Imported grasses and native bacteria are being used to increase the oxygen content of the atmosphere.

Waywardat System - (various stories by Justin Radically)

  • Wayward

   Wayward was a Darjee Colony on a remote world on the edge of the galactic rim.  It had been abandoned due to economics several hundred years ago.  Along with being a breeding colony Wayward provides the jaded members of the confederacy hand made unique items not created in a replicator.  Wayward is slightly larger than Earth with a higher gravity and only 60% covered by water,

Yularaat System - (Fleet base mentioned in Living a CAP-Based Present by Allan Joyal

  • Yulara


   These include both those planets settled by humans completely without Confederacy support (Cosca and Arab) and those planets settled with minimal Confederacy support (UN and Chinese).

UN Colonies

   The UN colonies receive minimal Confederacy support.  Basically, the UN has three Aurora (96-place pod transports) and can use some AI-controlled equipment.  However, since the UN chooses immigrants without regard to the CAP test, the NATO side of the Confederacy does not allow any immigration from UN colonies to the NATO colonies or ships.  Technology transfer is also closely monitored.
   We do not yet know the names of any UN colonies.  "Churchill", "Bismark", and "Eugene" are good names for European-settled UN colonies.  "Uhuru" is a good name for an African-settled UN colony.

Chinese Colonies

   As with the UN, the Chinese Colonies receive minimal Confederacy support.  China was given three Auroras (96-place pod transports) and can use some AI-controlled equipment.  However, since China chooses immigrants without regard to the CAP test, the NATO side of the Confederacy does not allow any immigration from Chinese colonies to the NATO colonies or ships.  Technology transfer is also closely monitored.
   The Chinese colonies do provide some support to the NATO-led war effort.  Pyong and Reck are both known to have sent formations of fanatic soldiers to help the Confederacy Marines in ground combat.

P'yongat System - (Albion by [[[Duke of Ramus]])

  • P'yong - a Chinese/Korean colony that went bad because of a dictator

From 'Albion' by Duke of Ramus:

P'yong had been one of the earliest colonies that the Darjee had established and its mainly Chinese population had been place under the Governorship of Deng Zemin.  He, despite his high CAP score and his previous employment of running a manufacturing plant, had turned out to be a sexual predator with delusions of Roman grandeur.  The combat units from P'yong had been ferocious in combat, as failure had meant ending up in the Governor's games when they returned to the planet, which were just another painful way of dying disguised as entertainment.

The Darjee's refusal to intervene, citing the Confederacy rules on planetary autonomy, had pushed many humans away from the idealistic beliefs of the Confederacy.

Reckat system - (Albion by Duke of Ramus)

Arab Colonies

Escardisat System - (In the Name of the Prophet by Duke of Ramus)

  • Escardis - 'Rush Job' says there is a Confederacy "Trading Station" in orbit around the planet.

Cosca Worlds

   The former underworld Dons established their own colonies outside the Confederacy's political system, using reverse-engineered technology found in crashed alien ships.
   Each colony was small (<750 souls) to start with, but by the end of "Keeping Promises", Catania had grown large enough that there were in excess of 5000 married women on-planet, with a correspondingly large number of married men, and single people - not to mention children.  Most of the growth would have been due to the Church-enforced immigration begun in "Family Values".  It would be reasonable to assume that the other colonies had also grown correspondingly larger over the time period.
   The colonies are deliberately placed on worlds nearer Earth than those that have been or are being established by the Confederacy. Being close to Earth and in the direct path of the Sa'arm expansion, those worlds are unwanted and largely ignored by the Confederacy and its Navy - a "hide in plain sight" strategy - and the colonial populations can't get too complacent.
   If the Earth falls, the colonies will have to be abandoned fairly quickly.  The near proximity to Earth, however, is useful in that it makes it possible to continue to engage in business there.

  • Catania - The oldest colony, headquarters for the Cosca - initial population 750
  • Syracusa - initial population 500
  • Vittoria - initial population 500
  • Agrigento - initial population 500
  • Trapani - initial population 500

Failed/Lost Colonies

Some of these were abandoned as untenable for various reasons, but most were lost to the Sa'arm.

Atalantaat System - see above

Branson's World - System unknown

(Branson's World was a temporary R&R site near the front lines, set up to give the war-fighters some time off.&nbsp: It was evacuated as undefendable when the Sa'arm got too close.&nbsp: Mentioned in The Chuck Hole

P'yong System - see above

Quayat System - see above

Reckat System - see above

Tulakat System - see above

Nonexistent (or planned) Colonies

AssCrackat System

  • Planet AssCrack

   Supposedly in the Frik District, this is the system mentioned when you need something miserably far away and difficult to get to.  This is the "West Bumfuck, Egypt" of the Diaspora.

Bugsat System

Planets Bugs, Fudd.

   Fudd supports a Confederacy Navy research station in the unpublished story "Fairly CAPable".
"...the planet Fudd, an ice world with extremely cold temperatures, will also be a forward staging area as well as a shipyard.  It is also expected to provide defense for the nearby Bugs colony."

ButtHoleat System

  • Planet ButtHole

   Supposedly somewhere safe in the secure rear of the Brak District, Butthole referred to by the Beerat colonists as an example of completely useless REMFs.  The District Command at Brak are pretty sure that "ButtHole" is a euphemism for "Brak".

Copicat System

  • Planet Copic, star P-Oph

New home for naval complex moved from Bugsat.

Idyllicat System

  • Planet Idyllic

Suggested name for not-yet-founded retirement home for elderly service men and women.

WhereAmIat System

  • Planet WhereAmI

Suggested name of a system in the unpublished "Ice Cube".

WhereIsItat System

  • Planet WhereIsIt

Suggested name of a system in an unpublished work.

Yensidat System

  • Planet Yensid

Suggested name of a cultural museum in the "Arc Dios" stories.

(Someday this will be a navigation template.  It will provide a bar across the bottom of each article with useful navigation links.  Until then, this is just a placeholder to get rid of all the red "broken link" indicators. -ZM User (talk) 10:00, 3 May 2024 (PDT))