Graham Thorn

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Graham Thorn

Graham Thorn is the Prime Minister of Great Britain during most of the period of the story Maquis. He was first elected to Parliament in the special election that brought the Earth First government to office, in October of year 4, Month 46. During the initial political wrangling after the election, he made himself indispensable to Neil Conway, before becoming a Parliamentary Private Secretary to one of the other EF ministers. Thorn it was who had persuaded the BNP and a few of the other smaller parties, as well as a number of independent MP's to become officially part of Earth First.

Although Thorn had started the 'Truth and Freedom movement as a diversion, it had been a very 'hands-off' involvement, so that few people were aware of his connection. He had been a supporter, though not a paid up member, of the BNP, and as such knew a number of less than savoury people. These people he used to blackmail and browbeat other MP's into joining Earth First, and in some cases into resigning their seats altogether; so that by the time of the next regular general election the Earth First government had a huge majority, many of them either supporters or members of Truth And Freedom.

Thorn believed Conway, despite his massive popularity, to be too weak and wishy-washy. He had an opposition MP crudely blackmailed and then left sufficient, circumstantial, evidence that it had been sanctioned by Conway. After forcing Conway out, he backed the truly weak Peter Lester into office, however this was just to enable him to get his own support and backing secure before he drove Lester out of office 11 months later with a vote of No Confidence within the party.

He believed that the Confederacy didn't exist, and that it was a Jewish/Negro plot, backed by the Americans (despite the obvious contradictions in this), to undermine the white, Christian, west. To this end he deported thousands of middle Europeans back to Europe; withdrew from NATO, the British Commonwealth, the European Union, and the Council of Europe. All of which, he felt, were a drain on British resources.

Physically quite a small man, he had cultivated a booming voice that most people found reassuring - if they didn't know him - and scared many of those who did. He was about as extreme right wing as it was possible to go, and hated and despised non-whites, as well as Jews, Moslems, Hindus and indeed all non-christian religions.

He hated and feared replicators, and wouldn't touch food if he even thought it came from a replicator. As such, he eventually managed to ban all Confederacy technology, particularly replicators, from British soil.

He was just 44, and unmarried, at the time he became Prime Minister. He had had few girlfriends: most women found him condescending at best, and sexist in the extreme.

(Someday this will be a navigation template.  It will provide a bar across the bottom of each article with useful navigation links.  Until then, this is just a placeholder to get rid of all the red "broken link" indicators. -ZM User (talk) 10:00, 3 May 2024 (PDT))