Sample Article

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This is a "Stub", or a short article with little useful information.  Any editor with more information about this subject is invited to help improve it.

(Various warnings go first in the form of templates that someone else has already created.  A template call is in the form of double-open-curly-brackets, the word "Template", a colon ':', the name of the template, and last double-close-curly-brackets.  Available templates include "Deletion", "Duplication", "Heresy", "Stub", "Temp", and several others.  The "Stub" template is called above, to show how they are used.)

Sample Article for Editors to Use as a Template

(The title is between double-equals, and is often a longer version of the short title the Wiki uses to identify the article.  The title line is often followed by a paragraph or two giving general information about the subject.)

   This article is intended to show editors the HTML and wiki-code used to display your material the way you want.  If you can open two browser windows (or even just two browser tabs), open this article twice.  Then, in one of them, click on the 'edit' tab at the top of the page.  That will allow you to compare what is actually in the article text and what is displayed in a browser showing that article.

Major Topic/Group Heading

(Each major section of the article is identified by a section title between triple-equals.  There is no apparent limit to how many of these your article can have.)

   If you decide to use this article as a template, open it for editing, then select and copy the whole thing. Then, go up to your browser's address bar and replace "Sample Article" with the SHORT, CORRECTLY-SPELLED name you want for your new article.
   If an article already exists with that name, the wiki will call it up.  If not, the wiki will try to open that page, decide it doesn't exist, and ask if you want to create it.  One security feature that is active on this wiki is that you must be logged in as an authorized user to save edits.  You can play with the editor, but if you aren't logged in you can't save your work.
   Naturally, since I expect everyone to make the same mistakes I often make, this page has been locked to prevent changes.  It won't allow you to save your work as THIS article.  If you find that you've been accidentally editing this page, simply copy the content, go create a new page, and paste your content into it.
   Some of the formatting 'tricks' shown here make the end article easier to read.  These include the standardized heading formats and the extra "br" at the end of each section.  Others aren't for the final article, they are here to let the editor read the raw text and wiki code while he's working on it.

Minor Section Heading

(Each minor section of the article can be identified by a section title between quad-equals.  There is no apparent limit to how many of these your article can have, either.)

   Once you have opened the editor, you should see an area to type in, as well as a light-blue editor management section below it.  Later, if you click on the 'History' tab for an article, you get a list of who did what, and it can really help if you put something meaningful in the summary line here.  The wiki software helpfully remembers all the summary lines you've used before, so all I have to do is type 'C' in and it pops up my most-common summary lines that start with 'C' for me to select from. When I'm creating a new article from scratch I always put in a standard "Create page, create content -ZM" in the Summary line. When I go back into an article that already exists to fix or add something, I try to put something relevant in even if it's just "Fix minor formatting error."
   It is a good idea to not 'Save page' until after you have clicked on "Show preview" and actually read over the display version of what you wrote.  It is simply amazing how easy it is to miss some minor formatting code that screws everything up.  You can save it, first, but it's easier to fix now instead of going back and editing something you just wrote.

Reference Section

(Many articles will have a list of references.  Wiki markup uses the asterisk "*" at the beginning of a line to indicate a list element.   You don't HAVE to put a space after that, the wiki software will ignore it, but doing so makes it easier to read while still in editor mode.)

  • Story AAA said BBB
  • Story XXX said YYY
  • Story ZZZ said AAA

Story Usage

(Many articles will had a computer-generated section listing stories that include this topic.)

See Also

(Many articles will have a list of other articles that a reader may want to also check.  These are in the form of links to those articles)

(Someday this will be a navigation template.  It will provide a bar across the bottom of each article with useful navigation links.  Until then, this is just a placeholder to get rid of all the red "broken link" indicators. -ZM User (talk) 10:00, 3 May 2024 (PDT))

(The editor can go to Special:Categories to get a list of all existing categories.&nbsp Of course, you can make up your own, but there is little value in a category with only one member.  If you do that you have to either go find more members or create more articles that can be members.)