Wiki Test Page

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(Copied straight from .XML 'backup' file, needs formatting and corrections. ZM User (talk) 20:15, 22 April 2024 (PDT))

   This page demonstrates links and the common header = and emphasis ' codes.  It also lets editors try formats and test codes before they risk screwing up a live wiki page.


   Wiki software allows links to other pages.  This is done by putting the name of the page inside double square brackets.  If you want the link to say something else, put the target first, then a vertical spacer '|', then what you want to say.  If you hover your mouse over this link Heaven you will see that it promises you 'Heaven' but it sends you to 'Hell'.  Or it tries to; the link is red because that page does not exist.  We aren't going to create a page for "Hell" just for this example.

Headers and Emphasis Codes

One Equals Sign Before and After

Two Equals Signs Before and After

Three Equals Signs Before and After

Four Equals Signs Before and After

Five Equals Signs Before and After

' One Apostrophe Before and After ' < Regular apostrophe use
Two Apostrophes Before and After < Italics
Three Apostrophes Before and After < Bold
' Four Apostrophes Before and After ' < 3+1 - Bold plus regular apostrophe
Five Apostrophes Before and After < 3+2 - Bold plus Italics

(Please try your code below this line)