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(Copied straight from .XML 'backup' file, needs formatting and corrections. ZM User (talk) 20:15, 22 April 2024 (PDT))

This is a "Stub", or a short article with little useful information.  Any editor with more information about this subject is invited to help improve it.

Stable Class of Livestock Freighter

A ship that specialized in carry livestock, some of which were very large in comparison to animals found on Earth.

One feature that was generally found surprising by humans when they encountered these vessels was the large open areas available to exercise the 'passengers'.

Designated as ALS or Cattle Ships

  • ALS001 Anna Creek
  • ALS002 Alexandria Station
  • ALS003 King Ranch
  • ALS004 Rancho Camulos (Used in In Loco Parentis)
  • ALS005 Ponderosa
  • ALS006 Douglas Lake

(Someday this will be a navigation template.  It will provide a bar across the bottom of each article with useful navigation links.  Until then, this is just a placeholder to get rid of all the red "broken link" indicators. -ZM User (talk) 10:00, 3 May 2024 (PDT))