Pulse Cannon

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(Copied straight from .XML 'backup' file, needs formatting and corrections. ZM User (talk) 20:15, 22 April 2024 (PDT))

This is a "Stub", or a short article with little useful information.  Any editor with more information about this subject is invited to help improve it.

Pulse Cannon

A point defense ship weapon introduced by deGaffer that is an improvement on the original CIWS.

Story Usage

A textual analysis of the story repository, current as of 9/2019 and performed on 2019-12-28 and using SS Lib ver 1.16.07 (10/21/2019) identified the following usage counts for Pulse Cannon:


The following quotes were taken from the stories archive documenting how this story element has been handled using get_paras.py v1.31 9/14/2019.

From Destination Azahar by deGaffer relevance:1350 at paragraph 1434 of 3596
Constance found her voice. "The turrets you saw are fully automated 210mm plasma cannon in triple mounts to give continuously overlapping fire when operated in sequence. There's not a good place on the station to mount the behemoths without them getting in the way of something or something blocking their field of fire. I had intended to ask Captain Collins for a recommendation for the placement of these weapons. We also have a dozen dual 38mm pulse cannon turrets that we intend to mount on defensive platforms in the vicinity of the station. Their counter rotating barrels give them twice the rate of fire of the 38mm units typically deployed as point defense weapons."

From Behind Enemy Lines by deGaffer relevance:1224 at paragraph 56 of 764
A junior member of the Admiral's staff, Commander Sarah Bronson had been sitting quietly, but suggested, "We could remove both of the outdated particle beam projectors. One turret could be replaced with Wallace's wish list of sensors, and the other replaced with one of the new 130mm plasma cannons. Each one of these new cannons is more powerful than the combined output of both of the projectors currently installed on a corvette. The point-defense units could also be upgraded to use the new high-speed 38mm pulse cannons that are effective against lightly armored ships as well as being lethal to missiles."

From Behind Enemy Lines by deGaffer relevance:816 at paragraph 516 of 764
In their tight formation the corvettes had no problem downing the incoming missiles with the combined firepower of their small pulse cannons before the missiles had closed half the distance between the adversaries. At six thousand kilometers the final frigate was rarely hit with one of the glowing tubes of plasma sent its way as the castles began firing their functional plasma cannons, but it was enough.

(Someday this will be a navigation template.  It will provide a bar across the bottom of each article with useful navigation links.  Until then, this is just a placeholder to get rid of all the red "broken link" indicators. -ZM User (talk) 10:00, 3 May 2024 (PDT))