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Archerfish Low-Observable Patrol Corvette
The Archerfish Class Patrol Combatant, Missile is small, agile, stealthy and insanely easy to mass produce. The Archerfish Class carries 48 missiles, launched from 6 tubes. The class carries a crew of 12, plus 12 concubines who are treated largely as regular crew. To supplement its on-board passive sensors, it also carries three Remora-class self-propelled sensor packages. The basic design consists of four pods in tandem in front of a pair of engines, all covered by a protective shell that provides both armor and stealth protection - the resultant ship strongly resembles the old 1890's Holland submarine.
The design is intended to patrol enemy systems, avoiding detection and using "ambush predator" tactics, rather than to go "yardarm-to-yardarm".
Hull Listing
- PCM-001 Archerfish (Going Fishing)
- PCM-002 Albacore
- PCM-003 Amberjack
- PCM-004 Barb
- PCM-005 Blackfish
- PCM-006 Bluefish
- PCM-007 Bonefish
- PCM-008 Cod
- PCM-009 Cero
- PCM-010 Corvina
- PCM-011 Darter
- PCM-012 Drum
- PCM-013 Flying Fish
- PCM-014 Finback
- PCM-015 Gato
- PCM-016 Greenling
- PCM-017 Grouper
- PCM-018 Growler
- PCM-019 Grunion
- PCM-020 Guardfish
- PCM-021 Haddock (Chosen Frozen)
- PCM-022 Halibut (Chosen Frozen)
- PCM-023 Herring
- PCM-024 Kingfish
- PCM-025 Shad
- PCM-026 Silversides
- PCM-027 Trigger (Chosen Frozen)
- PCM-028 Wahoo
- PCM-029 Whale
- PCM-030 Angler
- PCM-031 Bashaw
- PCM-032 Bluegill (Chosen Frozen)
- PCM-033 Bream
- PCM-034 Cavalla
- PCM-035 Cobia
- PCM-036 Croaker
- PCM-037 Dace - Like the USN boat, the crew pronounces it "Dah-Chay" (Chosen Frozen)
- PCM-038 Dorado
- PCM-039 Flasher
- PCM-040 Flier
- PCM-041 Flounder
- PCM-042 Gabilan
- PCM-043 Gunnel
- PCM-044 Gurnard
- PCM-045 Haddo
- PCM-046 Hake (Chosen Frozen)
- PCM-047 Harder
- PCM-048 Hoe
- PCM-049 Jack
- PCM-050 Lapon
- PCM-051 Mingo
- PCM-052 Muskellunge
- PCM-053 Paddle
- PCM-054 Pargo
- PCM-055 Peto
- PCM-056 Pogy
- PCM-057 Pompon
- PCM-058 Puffer
- PCM-059 Rasher
- PCM-060 Raton
- PCM-061 Ray
- PCM-062 Redfin
- PCM-063 Robalo
- PCM-064 Rock
- PCM-065 Runner
- PCM-066 Sawfish
- PCM-067 Scamp
- PCM-068 Scorpion
- PCM-069 Snook
- PCM-070 Steelhead
- PCM-071 Sunfish
- PCM-072 Tunny
- PCM-073 Tinosa
- PCM-074 Tullibee
- PCM-075 Golet
- PCM-076 Guavina
- PCM-077 Guitarra
- PCM-078 Hammerhead
Class Variants
- "Ending This Mess", set in Year 14 mentions an "Archerfish-II" class, described as "the updated version of their old low-observable missile boat with advanced stealth features".
- Kindertransport II by Zipper D Dude mentions a minelayer variant
Story Usage
A textual analysis of the story repository, current as of 9/2019 and performed on 2019-09-27 and using SS Lib ver 1.16.02 (9/25/2019) identified the following usage counts for Archerfish:
- Going Fishing by lordshipmayhem (Timeline month: 39) 44 instances.
- Guerilla by Zipper D Dude 10 instances.
- Kindertransport II by Zipper D Dude 4 instances.
- Steward's Third Mission by John Lewiston 2 instances.
- Chosen Frozen by lordshipmayhem (Timeline month: 40) 1 instances.
- Ending This Mess by Zen Master (Timeline month: 164) 1 instances.
- Pyrrhic Victory by akarge (Timeline month: 162) 1 instances.
Timeline Appearances
Canon timeline indicates Archerfish appears at Month 39
Story appearances in stories with identified timeline placement
- Month 39 in Going_Fishing
- Month 162 in Pyrrhic_Victory
See also
(Someday this will be a navigation template. It will provide a bar across the bottom of each article with useful navigation links. Until then, this is just a placeholder to get rid of all the red "broken link" indicators. -ZM User (talk) 10:00, 3 May 2024 (PDT))