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(Copied straight from .XML 'backup' file, needs formatting and corrections. ZM User (talk) 20:15, 22 April 2024 (PDT))

Health Issues and Discussion

The technology the Darjee offered was the stuff of dreams as far as the medical profession was concerned. They already had cures for just about everything that was a problem on Earth including the big ones, Aids and Cancer. The problem was that it wasn't going to be readily available on Earth.

Abilities and Limitations

In general the remaining lifespan of a person can be doubled by the rejuvenation process performed on volunteers and concubines. If a person would have reached the age of eighty, and was picked up at fifty, he should get about thirty more years for a total life expectancy of one hundred ten. A child born on a colony should have well over one hundred fifty years of life and possibly over two hundred. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis will be negligible worries and the main problem will be eventual senility or just general wearing down of the bodies ability to regenerate. Women should get between five and ten years of added childbearing ability if picked up near menopause and double their remaining years of childbearing years plus those additional five or ten if picked up at least a couple of years before menopause.

Pickup Procedure

After pickup a Sponsor or Concubine was placed in a medical pod and a thorough examination was carried out. Immediate problems were dealt with there and then; diabetes, addictions, blood pressure were all treated by a combination of tissue transfer and nanite injections.

At a later date cosmetic surgery could be implemented if a Sponsor required. Most Marines were augmented until they were the perfect specimen of a 2 metre tall human. Concubines got whatever their sponsor wanted, whether it was a fifty-inch chest or a twelve-inch dick.

Year Five Intrusion

By year five the pickups were no longer small scale, controlled affairs. The advent of the cube ship and the extraction of humanity in quarter million lumps required fast transit times and minimal on-ship support.

The Confederacy took steps to add medical nanites to the populations diet. It decided that an announcement might cause all kinds of foolishness and insanity, so they drafted five thousand technicians to go around making the adjustments in secret to all of the food replicators. By the time people began to realize what was going on, the vast majority of the populace would already be treated and it would be a dead issue - or so they thought.

The addition to the replicator was handled by a single module that provided six basic health-maintenance nanobots and dispensed them in the food. One replicated meal was all it took for sufficient nanites to be ingested to cure most illnesses. Only the most extreme cases required further support.
   This, in turn, disrupted the world's medical systems, since they survived on 'controlling' issues instead of curing them.  This demonstrated to all that the world's medical systems were, in reality, mere parasites on humanity, bleeding economic health from the patients to the health systems for no good reason.  The Confederacy, however, reasoned that Earth was about to be invaded by millions of weapon-using carnivorous animals, and the more healthy people the world had, the longer Earth could hold out.

(Someday this will be a navigation template.  It will provide a bar across the bottom of each article with useful navigation links.  Until then, this is just a placeholder to get rid of all the red "broken link" indicators. -ZM User (talk) 10:00, 3 May 2024 (PDT))