Main Page

From Swarm Cycle Wiki
Revision as of 08:07, 3 May 2024 by ZM User (talk | contribs) (Fix links -ZM)
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Swarm Cycle Wiki Main Page

   The Swarm Cycle is a collection of stories, primarily published on [StoriesOnLine], manufactured around a concept introduced by the Thinking Horndog in which he described an alien invasion and Earth's reaction.  The intent was for this to be a multi-author universe similar to the popular Naked In School stories, but it rapidly went out of control.  As of 4/30/2024 SOL has 322 Swarm Cycle stories, and there were more at that never got transferred.
   If you're a budding author of erotica or sci-fi and want to see if there is something here that takes your fancy, then surf to your heart's content.  If you feel that you have something to offer, Contact Us to request membership of this group and help us out by either writing new Swarm Cycle stories or adding to this wiki.  This wiki currently has 666 articles but we always need help keeping it current.


   There are no stories on this site.  It's just a wiki about the stories, with background information for use by authors who wish to write stories in the Swarm Universe.  Want to read the stories? - Many are on SOL Here and a static and imperfect mirror of ASSTR with older (2017 and earlier) Swarm stories can be found Here

Commonly useful links

  • Learn about the Swarm Cycle Universe by using the Canon Navigation page.
  • All the Swarm Cycle stories are listed in the Library page.
  • Universe-specific technical terms and slang are all explained in the Glossary
  • If you know the page you are looking for they are all listed here
  • Wiki members can login here to add or edit an article (*).
  • List of categories: categories
  • Recent changes to the wiki
  • Search for a word within a category, article or the discussion pages
  • What happened when is shown on the timeline page.
  • Inside Jokes have a page of their own.
  • We have received letters from readers with complaints and ideas.
  • We have a bunch of story ideas at Unwritten Stories.
  • Feel free to Contact Us if you want to join us, or even if you just have some questions.  There is much to be fleshed out and ideas are always welcome...

   (* The "login page" is available to anyone.  However, the 'create a login' section is only available to people who are already logged in.  Ask on the authors' group email list, or ask any of the Swarm authors through their various web sites, and we'll hook you up.  Anyone can browse the wiki and read whatever trips their trigger.  They don't need a login to read the articles.  They won't be able to edit or add pages, though, without a login. -ZM 3/29/20)

(Someday this will be a navigation template.  It will provide a bar across the bottom of each article with useful navigation links.  Until then, this is just a placeholder to get rid of all the red "broken link" indicators. -ZM User (talk) 10:00, 3 May 2024 (PDT))