Wiki Maintenance: Difference between revisions

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(Keep adding content -ZM)
(Add "Ongoing Work" section)
(30 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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'''I tried to copy the old "Wiki Maintenance" page from the .XML backup file, but it crashed the editor.&nbsp; Clearly, that ain't gonna work.&nbsp; Dammit, I really wanted all of Sgt. Stoner's template stuff.&nbsp; So, I'll slowly add stuff to this page from that one, saving after each section, until it crashes again.&nbsp; We'll see... [[User:ZM User|ZM User]] ([[User talk:ZM User|talk]]) 09:10, 22 April 2024 (PDT)'''<br> <br>
== Wiki Maintenance Notes ==
&nbsp;&nbsp; This is a discussion and notes page for ZM, Sgt. Stoner, and the others who maintain the Swarm Cycle Wiki. <br>  

&nbsp;&nbsp; This is a discussion and notes page for ZM, Sgt. Stoner, and the others who maintain the Swarm Cycle Wiki. <br>  
=== Page Improvement ===
&nbsp;&nbsp; '''Page Structure:''' Each article should have several reference sections at the bottom of the article, in the same order, whenever appropriate.&nbsp; That way, readers can easily see if more info is available.&nbsp; Currently, that list of standard sections is:
* "Story Statistics", for articles on specific Swarm Cycle stories
* "Story Usage Statistics" for articles on technical terms
* "Story Quotes" for articles on technical terms
* "See Also", a list of links to related articles
* "References", a list of links to information outside this wiki
&nbsp;&nbsp; '''Ongoing Work:''' There are a lot of places where pages are incomplete.&nbsp; For instance, the [[Timeline]] page only shows 88 stories.&nbsp; As of 12/22/24, SOL has 323 stories listed, and we know of several more that we lost.&nbsp; Where do the other 235 stories belong on the timeline? <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; '''Templates:''' A wiki can gain a lot of functionality by enabling templates, but as of mid-2024 they do not work here as they depend upon back-end processing not yet installed.&nbsp; Sgt. Stoner had taken the time to add a HUGE section on available templates here, but apparently there are enough differences between that wiki and this one with the latest version of WikiMedia that it crashes this copy of the editor every time I add it in.&nbsp; I still have it as a text file, if we can get any use from it. -ZM <br>
=== Operation Duplication Elimination ===
* Moved all useful content from "Home" to [[Main Page]] and [[Unwritten Stories]] -done 4/30/24; I left the history section for now.&nbsp; On 5/2 I eliminated all links to "Home" and renamed the remaining history section [[Wiki History]]. -ZM
* Moved all useful content from "Join" to [[Contact Us]] -done 4/30/24 ZM, including the "How-To" section. -done 4/30/24 ZM, deleted "Join"
* If there's only one article listing stories (or authors), we'll never have conflicting updates where different articles say different things.&nbsp; And, if there's only one article listing stories (or authors), we don't need a category to list all the articles listing stories (or authors). -done 4/30/24 ZM, deleted Category:Story Listings
* I guess I don't understand the difference between a "listing article" and a "category".&nbsp; Exactly what added value do we get by having both
** a "Corvette" article which describes the class of ship and lists all known designs, and
** a "Corvette" category which describes the class of ship and lists all known designs?
&nbsp; From where I sit, the two do the same thing.&nbsp; Duplication in a critical warship system is good, as it improves your chance of surviving damage.&nbsp; Duplication in a 600-article hobby wiki is stupid and leads to confusion when one is updated and the other is not.&nbsp; One or the other is going. -ZM

== Pages Still Needed ==
=== Pages Still Needed ===
&nbsp;&nbsp; As I go through the "Wanted Pages" list of bad links I'm finding several places we _should_ have an article, but we don't yet.&nbsp; I'm 'fixing' the bad link by replacing the double-brackets with triple-apostrophes.&nbsp; Of course, in one instance [[Hell|Heaven]] we don't really need that page.&nbsp; It's just an example of how to use links.&nbsp; I should probably list the individual pages we need here as I find them: Dreadnaught, Artillery... <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; Anyone logged in can edit existing pages or even create new ones.&nbsp; We have several articles to help with this.&nbsp; The [[Blank Formatted Article]] has an outline of the way other pages are organized.&nbsp; The [[Wiki Editing Guidelines]] has advice on how to make your article look good and be helpful.&nbsp; The [[Wiki Test Page]] has a 'sandbox' section where you can try out different formatting codes and see how they look. <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; We still have three big groups of 'needed pages':
&nbsp;&nbsp; We still have three big groups of 'needed pages':
* All stories - Every Swarm Cycle story should have its own page.&nbsp; This should be left to someone who deals with scripts better than I do. -ZM
* '''All stories''' - Every Swarm Cycle story should have its own page, filled with all the metadata that Sgt Stoner was working on.&nbsp; This is an automated task better left to someone who deals with scripts better than I do.&nbsp; Meanwhile, I have made a page for all the "ZM" stuff including author info and story info at [[Zen Master]] and Charlie Foxtrot has created stub articles for all the stories hosted on SOL.&nbsp; All the metadata will have to wait. -ZM
* All colonies - Every colony should have its own page.&nbsp; These would be great places for the various writers to tell other writers about 'their' colony and surrounding system.&nbsp; A script can create these and populate them with basic information pulled from the "ColonyList" page, but in many cases there really isn't anything there so there's no point in creating empty pages.&nbsp; Best to simply leave them on the "ColonyList" page until we have more detail to put in the dedicated pages.
* '''All authors''' - Every writer who has published a Swarm Cycle story should have his own page.&nbsp; It should, at the very least, list all stories he/she has published, as well as a link to where it can be read or downloaded.&nbsp; If the story has been removed from the publication site (Silly Artie and Just Jack are good examples) this should be noted.&nbsp; This need is taken care of by the [[Library]].&nbsp; I don't see why we often have separate pages about an author and about their stories.&nbsp; I've set up a combined <nowiki> [[Zen_Master|Zen Master and ZM Synopses]] </nowiki> article as an example to see how it works.&nbsp; On 4/30/24 I created several pages for authors who can't speak for themselves: Artie, JJ, Just Jack, Robert Auld, Tomken.
* All authors - Every writer who has published a Swarm Cycle story should have his own page.&nbsp; It should, at the very least, list all stories he/she has published, as well as a link to where it can be read or downloaded.&nbsp; If the story has been removed from the publication site (Silly Artie and Just Jack are good examples) this should be noted.
* '''All colonies''' - Every colony should have its own page.&nbsp; These would be great places for the various writers to tell other writers about 'their' colony and surrounding system.&nbsp; A script can create these and populate them with basic information pulled from the "ColonyList" page, but in many cases there really isn't anything there so there's no point in creating empty pages.&nbsp; Best to simply leave them on the "ColonyList" page until we have more detail to put in the dedicated pages.

== Helpful "Special Pages" ==
=== Pages We DON'T Need ===
&nbsp;&nbsp; The Wiki software gives us several management tools.&amp;nbsp; Some pages are simply lists of problems. <br>
* Duplicate lists of anything.&nbsp; If you have added info for a group of articles, add that info to those articles.&nbsp; Don't make new articles about the same things.
&nbsp;&nbsp; Any broken redirects, where a page is redirected somewhere else but that new page doesn't exist, are listed here: [[]]. <br>
* The 'old' Confederacy stuff, their capital and the guard and the first fleet and all, should all be on one page.&nbsp; Or thrown out, it's heresy.&nbsp; They don't have a military: no guard, no fleet.
&nbsp;&nbsp; Any broken links, places where a link was made but it doesn't work, are listed here: [[]].&nbsp; The wiki software politely refers to them as 'wanted pages'.&nbsp; Many of them are simple typos but many more are actual pages we should have. <br>

== Backups and Redirects ==
=== Helpful "Special Pages" ===
&nbsp;&nbsp; ZM: Occasionally I do a wiki-wide backup.&nbsp; The wiki software has a built-in function at [[Special:Export]] for this, but it's awkward.&nbsp; The function is set up to "export" a particular page to a local file, but you can give it a list.&nbsp; I feed it a list, one entry per line, of all the pages in the wiki.&nbsp; Since we are constantly getting new pages (and occasionally throw one out), before I can do this I have to go to the "All Pages" page and convert that screen-list of all the pages in the wiki to a .txt file with the name of each wiki page on a separate line.&nbsp; Doing that once was a pain in the butt.&nbsp; Doing it every time I do a backup got old fast. <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; The Wiki software gives us several management tools.&amp;nbsp; Some pages are simply lists of problems.&nbsp; They can all be found off: [[Special:SpecialPages]]. <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; Because of this, I've developed a knee-jerk reaction to any page that is nothing more than a redirect.&nbsp; I delete it.&nbsp; If we have a bad link because some page points to "Sarah" when the real page is named "Sara", the answer isn't to create an empty "Sarah" page that points to "Sara", the answer is to fix the broken link.&nbsp; Make it point to the actual page.&nbsp; For that matter, which one is right?&nbsp; Maybe "Sarah" is correct, and we need to fix _those_ links. <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; The only reason to have redirects is if we have a standard name for a group, like maybe all the colonies have pages named for the star system.&nbsp; People will go looking for "Geratat"; and it should have a page, but some colonies already have their own page "Vulcan".&nbsp; In that case we should have the standard "Geratat" pointing to "Vulcan".&nbsp; That's about it.&nbsp; If I ever get bored I will move all content to "Geratat" and delete "Vulcan". <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; (If someone ever figures out an easier way to do a wiki-wide backup, I may be willing to listen to reason here about redirects.&nbsp; Until then, though, no. -ZM) <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; The wiki software manual at has details on several methods.&nbsp; I have not gotten any of them to work. <br>
=== Backups and Redirects ===
&nbsp;&nbsp; Anyone can make an .XML text "backup" of the wiki:&nbsp; The wiki software has a built-in function at [[Special:Export]] for this, but it's awkward.&nbsp; The function is set up to "export" a particular page to a local file, but you can feed it a list, one entry per line, of all the pages in the wiki.&nbsp; Before you can do this you have to go to the "All Pages" page and convert that screen-list of all the pages in the wiki to a .txt file with the name of each wiki page on a separate line.&nbsp; Doing that once was a pain in the butt.&nbsp; Doing it every time I do a backup got old fast. <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; Anyone with server admin rights can do a complete database backup in several different ways.&nbsp; The wiki software manual at has details on several methods.&nbsp; Some of them require all users to be logged out.&nbsp; If the admin forces all users off, any editing being done at that time is lost. <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp; ZM: Since I'm (as of late April 2024) hosting the wiki now, I can do a site backup, including the complete MySQL database.&nbsp; I will periodically do that and put the SQL.gz file in our DropBox account.&nbsp; Only issue is that the hosting company limits us to twice a month, no earlier than 15 days after the last one.&nbsp; Supposedly, if anything ever happens to me and my wife stops paying for my hobby hosting stuff, anyone can create a new wiki on the host of their choice, upload the latest SQL.gz file to it, and be back in business.&nbsp; I have no intention of ever actually doing this here as a test, but anyone else can if they want.&nbsp; I'd love to hear how it went. <br>
=== Script Management ===
&nbsp;&nbsp; Sgt. Stoner wrote a series of scripts that added a lot of functionality and cross-referencing to the wiki.&nbsp; Naturally, the initial run showed several issues that would have been corrected in V2 but he had a computer crash and that effort ground to a halt.&nbsp; In the hope that he can get back to that effort someday, here is a list of corrections for V2 of his script system: (This list has been moved to the DropBox "Wiki Maintenance" folder.) <br>
=== Secure Pages ===
&nbsp;&nbsp; Several of the wiki's pages seem to be magnets for vandalism.&nbsp; Those pages have been protected; only people listed as management in the wiki host's system can edit them.&nbsp; Naturally, those few people never get around to needed updates.&nbsp; We need more management people. <br>
=== How-To Notes ===
* Wiki pages are linked by <nowiki>[[This]]</nowiki> or <nowiki>[[Go here|Show this]]</nowiki>.
* Templates are called by <nowiki>{{This}}</nowiki>.
* Categories are joined by <nowiki>[[Category:This]]</nowiki>.
** Anyone adding pages should put at the bottom <nowiki>[[Category:Needs_Category]]</nowiki> to tip admin staff off that they need sorting.
** A category doesn't really exist until it has a member.&nbsp; Also, there must be some text in the description/text box or it isn't created.&nbsp; It appears easiest to add the new category to a member article, save your changes, and then click on the red link to create it. -ZM
* To see any of these codes (like here on this page) instead of them 'working', you surround the text with < nowiki > Whatever < /nowiki > without the spaces.
* To delete a redirected page, click on it.&nbsp; You get sent to the replacement page, but now when you click on the back-link you go to the original page in "edit" mode.&nbsp; From there, you can delete it.

<br> {{Nav}} <br>
<br> {{Nav}} <br>

[[Category:Wiki Maintenance]]
[[Category:Wiki Maintenance]] [[Category:Discussion]]

Latest revision as of 18:19, 22 December 2024

Wiki Maintenance Notes

   This is a discussion and notes page for ZM, Sgt. Stoner, and the others who maintain the Swarm Cycle Wiki.

Page Improvement

   Page Structure: Each article should have several reference sections at the bottom of the article, in the same order, whenever appropriate.  That way, readers can easily see if more info is available.  Currently, that list of standard sections is:

  • "Story Statistics", for articles on specific Swarm Cycle stories
  • "Story Usage Statistics" for articles on technical terms
  • "Story Quotes" for articles on technical terms
  • "See Also", a list of links to related articles
  • "References", a list of links to information outside this wiki

   Ongoing Work: There are a lot of places where pages are incomplete.  For instance, the Timeline page only shows 88 stories.  As of 12/22/24, SOL has 323 stories listed, and we know of several more that we lost.  Where do the other 235 stories belong on the timeline?
   Templates: A wiki can gain a lot of functionality by enabling templates, but as of mid-2024 they do not work here as they depend upon back-end processing not yet installed.  Sgt. Stoner had taken the time to add a HUGE section on available templates here, but apparently there are enough differences between that wiki and this one with the latest version of WikiMedia that it crashes this copy of the editor every time I add it in.  I still have it as a text file, if we can get any use from it. -ZM

Operation Duplication Elimination

  • Moved all useful content from "Home" to Main Page and Unwritten Stories -done 4/30/24; I left the history section for now.  On 5/2 I eliminated all links to "Home" and renamed the remaining history section Wiki History. -ZM
  • Moved all useful content from "Join" to Contact Us -done 4/30/24 ZM, including the "How-To" section. -done 4/30/24 ZM, deleted "Join"
  • If there's only one article listing stories (or authors), we'll never have conflicting updates where different articles say different things.  And, if there's only one article listing stories (or authors), we don't need a category to list all the articles listing stories (or authors). -done 4/30/24 ZM, deleted Category:Story Listings
  • I guess I don't understand the difference between a "listing article" and a "category".  Exactly what added value do we get by having both
    • a "Corvette" article which describes the class of ship and lists all known designs, and
    • a "Corvette" category which describes the class of ship and lists all known designs?

  From where I sit, the two do the same thing.  Duplication in a critical warship system is good, as it improves your chance of surviving damage.  Duplication in a 600-article hobby wiki is stupid and leads to confusion when one is updated and the other is not.  One or the other is going. -ZM

Pages Still Needed

   As I go through the "Wanted Pages" list of bad links I'm finding several places we _should_ have an article, but we don't yet.  I'm 'fixing' the bad link by replacing the double-brackets with triple-apostrophes.  Of course, in one instance Heaven we don't really need that page.  It's just an example of how to use links.  I should probably list the individual pages we need here as I find them: Dreadnaught, Artillery...

   Anyone logged in can edit existing pages or even create new ones.  We have several articles to help with this.  The Blank Formatted Article has an outline of the way other pages are organized.  The Wiki Editing Guidelines has advice on how to make your article look good and be helpful.  The Wiki Test Page has a 'sandbox' section where you can try out different formatting codes and see how they look.

   We still have three big groups of 'needed pages':

  • All stories - Every Swarm Cycle story should have its own page, filled with all the metadata that Sgt Stoner was working on.  This is an automated task better left to someone who deals with scripts better than I do.  Meanwhile, I have made a page for all the "ZM" stuff including author info and story info at Zen Master and Charlie Foxtrot has created stub articles for all the stories hosted on SOL.  All the metadata will have to wait. -ZM
  • All authors - Every writer who has published a Swarm Cycle story should have his own page.  It should, at the very least, list all stories he/she has published, as well as a link to where it can be read or downloaded.  If the story has been removed from the publication site (Silly Artie and Just Jack are good examples) this should be noted.  This need is taken care of by the Library.  I don't see why we often have separate pages about an author and about their stories.  I've set up a combined [[Zen_Master|Zen Master and ZM Synopses]] article as an example to see how it works.  On 4/30/24 I created several pages for authors who can't speak for themselves: Artie, JJ, Just Jack, Robert Auld, Tomken.
  • All colonies - Every colony should have its own page.  These would be great places for the various writers to tell other writers about 'their' colony and surrounding system.  A script can create these and populate them with basic information pulled from the "ColonyList" page, but in many cases there really isn't anything there so there's no point in creating empty pages.  Best to simply leave them on the "ColonyList" page until we have more detail to put in the dedicated pages.

Pages We DON'T Need

  • Duplicate lists of anything.  If you have added info for a group of articles, add that info to those articles.  Don't make new articles about the same things.
  • The 'old' Confederacy stuff, their capital and the guard and the first fleet and all, should all be on one page.  Or thrown out, it's heresy.  They don't have a military: no guard, no fleet.

Helpful "Special Pages"

   The Wiki software gives us several management tools.&nbsp; Some pages are simply lists of problems.  They can all be found off: Special:SpecialPages.

Backups and Redirects

   Anyone can make an .XML text "backup" of the wiki:  The wiki software has a built-in function at Special:Export for this, but it's awkward.  The function is set up to "export" a particular page to a local file, but you can feed it a list, one entry per line, of all the pages in the wiki.  Before you can do this you have to go to the "All Pages" page and convert that screen-list of all the pages in the wiki to a .txt file with the name of each wiki page on a separate line.  Doing that once was a pain in the butt.  Doing it every time I do a backup got old fast.
   Anyone with server admin rights can do a complete database backup in several different ways.  The wiki software manual at has details on several methods.  Some of them require all users to be logged out.  If the admin forces all users off, any editing being done at that time is lost.
   ZM: Since I'm (as of late April 2024) hosting the wiki now, I can do a site backup, including the complete MySQL database.  I will periodically do that and put the SQL.gz file in our DropBox account.  Only issue is that the hosting company limits us to twice a month, no earlier than 15 days after the last one.  Supposedly, if anything ever happens to me and my wife stops paying for my hobby hosting stuff, anyone can create a new wiki on the host of their choice, upload the latest SQL.gz file to it, and be back in business.  I have no intention of ever actually doing this here as a test, but anyone else can if they want.  I'd love to hear how it went.

Script Management

   Sgt. Stoner wrote a series of scripts that added a lot of functionality and cross-referencing to the wiki.  Naturally, the initial run showed several issues that would have been corrected in V2 but he had a computer crash and that effort ground to a halt.  In the hope that he can get back to that effort someday, here is a list of corrections for V2 of his script system: (This list has been moved to the DropBox "Wiki Maintenance" folder.)

Secure Pages

   Several of the wiki's pages seem to be magnets for vandalism.  Those pages have been protected; only people listed as management in the wiki host's system can edit them.  Naturally, those few people never get around to needed updates.  We need more management people.

How-To Notes

  • Wiki pages are linked by [[This]] or [[Go here|Show this]].
  • Templates are called by {{This}}.
  • Categories are joined by [[Category:This]].
    • Anyone adding pages should put at the bottom [[Category:Needs_Category]] to tip admin staff off that they need sorting.
    • A category doesn't really exist until it has a member.  Also, there must be some text in the description/text box or it isn't created.  It appears easiest to add the new category to a member article, save your changes, and then click on the red link to create it. -ZM
  • To see any of these codes (like here on this page) instead of them 'working', you surround the text with < nowiki > Whatever < /nowiki > without the spaces.
  • To delete a redirected page, click on it.  You get sent to the replacement page, but now when you click on the back-link you go to the original page in "edit" mode.  From there, you can delete it.

(Someday this will be a navigation template.  It will provide a bar across the bottom of each article with useful navigation links.  Until then, this is just a placeholder to get rid of all the red "broken link" indicators. -ZM User (talk) 10:00, 3 May 2024 (PDT))