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(Copied straight from .XML 'backup' file, needs formatting and corrections. ZM User (talk) 20:15, 22 April 2024 (PDT))

This is a "Stub", or a short article with little useful information.  Any editor with more information about this subject is invited to help improve it.

Vesuvius Class Battleship

   A Vesuvius is an expanded Kongo design with six "True Hero" coilgun turrets instead of the Kongo's four "Junior Hero" coilgun turrets.  It was introduced in Ending This Mess which starts at Month 164.


The following quotes were taken from the stories archive documenting how this story element has been handled using v1.21 9/13/2019.

From Ending This Mess by Zen Master at paragraph 687 of 1455:

   Barton Yard built a pair of prototypes for an even bigger class than the Kongos, identical in every way except main armament.  One of them had six “Junior Hero” coilguns, firing 100 Kg slugs at 100 kps.  It was just a larger Kongo with six turrets.  The other one had four “True Hero” coilguns, firing 1000 Kg slugs at the same speed.  One metric tonne of accurately aimed destruction, moving 100 kilometers per second.  And the guns didn’t have to be rebuilt after firing a few dozen shots. 

From Ending This Mess by Zen Master at paragraph 669 of 1455:

   Our Vesuvius class was the next step in heavy warship evolution, the logical step if we wanted something better than the Kongos.  We had demonstrated -twice, unfortunately- that the Dickheads’ bomber-launched Plasma Torpedos could break even a Kongo if they happened to hit in just the right (wrong) place. 

Story Appearances

The following stories contained the most references to the word 'Vesuvius' and words associated with that word.

(Someday this will be a navigation template.  It will provide a bar across the bottom of each article with useful navigation links.  Until then, this is just a placeholder to get rid of all the red "broken link" indicators. -ZM User (talk) 10:00, 3 May 2024 (PDT))