Wiki Maintenance
From Swarm Cycle Wiki
I tried to copy the old "Wiki Maintenance" page from the .XML backup file, but it crashed the editor. Clearly, that ain't gonna work. Dammit, I really wanted all of Sgt. Stoner's template stuff. So, I'll slowly add stuff to this page from that one, saving after each section, until it crashes again. We'll see... ZM User (talk) 09:10, 22 April 2024 (PDT)
This is a discussion and notes page for ZM, Sgt. Stoner, and the others who maintain the Swarm Cycle Wiki. <br>
Pages Still Needed
We still have two big groups of 'needed pages':
- All stories - Every Swarm Cycle story should have its own page. This should be left to someone who deals with scripts better than I do. -ZM
- All colonies - Every colony should have its own page. These would be great places for the various writers to tell other writers about 'their' colony and surrounding system. A script can create these and populate them with basic information pulled from the "ColonyList" page, but in many cases there really isn't anything there so there's no point in creating empty pages. Best to simply leave them on the "ColonyList" page until we have more detail to put in the dedicated pages.