Family Sex

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(Copied straight from .XML 'backup' file, needs formatting and corrections. ZM User (talk) 20:15, 22 April 2024 (PDT))

Restrictions on Discussion

(Authors have pointed to this page as justification for stories depicting sex before 14.  "The Academy" was published in 2009.  In 2011, SOL changed their submission rules to reflect Canadian law which prohibits any depiction of sex before 14.  The SOL submission guide points out that: "Stories posted before September 2011 are not subject to this rule, including new chapters to stories that were in-progress when this rule came into effect."

So, yes "The Academy" is available for reading or download on SOL and it shows sex before 14, but no you cannot point at it as an example of what is allowed on SOL.  Stories that depict sex before 14 can still be posted on ASSTR and other sites, of course.

Confederacy Law

A discourse on 'Family Sex' by an AI taken from Chapter 44 of 'The Academy.'

"Statutory rape," the AI droned on, "is another issue associated with family sex. The Confederacy has placed limitations on Sponsor-initiated sexual activity before puberty in order to avoid injuring the child or exposing the child to exploitation. However, normal sexual experimentation between children is authorized and every effort has been expended to make adequate information available to those able to absorb it. Sexual activity initiated by a child with a Sponsor is to be discouraged and will be examined closely to ensure that exploitation has not occurred, but may be authorized under special circumstances. The legal age for humans in the Confederacy was carefully set to ensure that in excess of ninety-five percent of the population is actually capable of procreation. Laws put in place to prohibit exploitation in several 'civilized' countries are unrealistic in that they prohibit sexual activity in general for several years after puberty; an examination of the realities involved reveals these statutes to be overkill for their intended purpose. The vast majority of humans WILL have participated in a sexual act before their eighteenth birthday -- and will therefore have broken the law. This renders such statutes unenforceable; they do more damage than good. Upon becoming eligible for Sponsor or Concubine status on their fourteenth birthday, limitations on sexual activity are removed in all but exceptional cases. Between the ages of thirteen and fourteen, limited sexual activity with an adult is authorized in the presence of a clear assent from the child. This is usually limited to oral sex, but may include other acts, including anal sex -- and a clear understanding of the act and permission for its conduct from the child must be demonstrated. Therefore, for Confederacy enforcement purposes, statutory rape is defined as sex between an adult and a child under the age of thirteen or sex without clear permission by the child between the ages of thirteen and fourteen -- unless special circumstances exist."

Someone raised a hand. "What would constitute special circumstances?"

"As with many phenomena, there is a 'bell curve' for the onset of human sexuality," the AI replied. "Some children mature sexually at a very early age. There is a thoroughly documented case of a child giving birth to a full-term fetus at the age of five years, eight months. This child was perfectly normal and lived a fairly typical lifespan for the times and the medical support available in the location of his residence. Given that this is the case, under some circumstances, withholding sexual activity for children who mature early is considered cruel and special measures must be taken to allow them an acceptable level of participation. This is a low-incidence issue for children under the age of ten, but the limited sexual activity rules for children over the age of thirteen are a recognition that while awaiting the age at which ninety-five percent of humans are capable of procreation, a large number will have reached that point sooner. Individual circumstances may dictate that the access to full sexual activity should be accelerated. If this is the case, the child continues to be treated as such in all but the sexual development arena -- and the child's sexual activity is closely monitored to ensure that there is no exploitation taking place. Sexual maturity is readily determined during medical examinations and monitoring in most colonial settings is omnipresent; this renders the focused monitoring of sexual activity less than difficult."

Note the last couple of sentences in particular.

(Someday this will be a navigation template.  It will provide a bar across the bottom of each article with useful navigation links.  Until then, this is just a placeholder to get rid of all the red "broken link" indicators. -ZM User (talk) 10:00, 3 May 2024 (PDT))