Wiki Editing Guidelines

From Swarm Cycle Wiki
Revision as of 06:35, 23 April 2024 by ZM User (talk | contribs) (Add article naming conventions and link to "Test Page" -ZM)
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(This page is currently just ZM's opinions, none of them hold any sort of authority.  That comes from the consensus of the collective Swarm Cycle authors, generated on the email list, with TH as always holding a veto.  Still, until I get further guidance, this is how _I'm_ doing it. ZM User (talk) 08:46, 22 April 2024 (PDT))

Article Name Conventions

   While acronyms are easy to say and easy to type, they are frequently not recognized except by 'insiders'.  Because of this, we tend to have articles named "Fighting Vehicles" instead of "AFVs".  We do allow exceptions for acronyms that are so prevalent that everyone should recognize them.  Everyone knows what "DECO" is.  Who knows what the hell "The Directorate of Evacuation and Colonial Operations" is?  Similarly, we have "FTL" instead of "Faster Than Light" and "CAP" instead of "Capacity Aptitude and Potential".
   Capitalization is important.  Wikimedia is case-sensitive for several things including article/category/template names.  In the past we have had multiple articles "CAP", "Cap", "cap", and "Capacity Aptitude and Potential".  Because of this, we try to capitalize the first letter of words in article names ("Fighting Vehicles", not "fighting vehicles" or "Fighting vehicles"), and we capitalize ALL letters in acronyms.


   I have a strong preference for 'traditional' written English format.  That means that every paragraph starts out with THREE spaces, and every sentence is separated from the one before it by TWO spaces.  You know, like this short article.  And every newspaper, magazine, and book you've ever read.  If you only use ONE space between words, it is easy to tell when one sentence ends and another begins, even if the punctuation gets screwed up during an edit.
   This is a 'standard' because it makes reading easier.  Less effort trying to pick out the paragraphs and sentences means more brainpower available to try to absorb the content instead of trying to FIND the content.  The end result is that you don't get a headache after a while like you do trying to read minimal HTML.
   Note that this is significantly different from "minimal HTML" which was created back in the late 1970s when both storage and bandwidth were limited.  Because of this, minimal HTML deletes all line-leading 'white-space' and compresses all white-space anywhere else into one space.
   Many websites (SOL and standard wikis in particular) still enforce this.  Thus, if you want that space to make it easier to read, you have to tell the software that you want it left alone.  The standard way to do this in HTML is to use a code that this wiki version insists on converting into a space, so I can't show it here except by spacing out each character:   &   n   b   s   p   ;
   To people who grew up in the dark ages, that translates to "start special code, Non-Breaking SPace, end code".  I just type the characters once, then <CTRL>-C and I paste it in whenever I need it while typing.  After a while it becomes just part of your typing, like capitalizing the first word of every sentence, and it makes your text a LOT easier to read.
   Okay, end of sermon.  I can't make everyone else do it, but I'm certainly going to.

Article Sections

   Most articles will have some sort of preface before you get to the desired content.  You know, like the warning in bold at the top of this one.
   Wiki software supports an 'outline' structure, and when people are going to a wiki to find things, it helps if things are always organized the same way.  If you are creating a new page for a new infantry weapon, look at the pages that already exist for other weapons and organize yours like them.
   We collect all the (unseen) 'category' declarations at the very bottom of the page, and then put the 'navigation' template call right above them, since that's where we want to see it anyway. If you click on the 'edit' button at the top of this page you'll see all the codes that make this happen.

Test Page

   This wiki has a test page at Test Page.  This page is there for me and other editors to try things out and see how they work.  And how they look.  The top section shows how to set up several common formatting options and how they look in the finished page.  At the bottom is a free test area for editors to try things in.

(Someday this will be a navigation template.  It will provide a bar across the bottom of each article with useful navigation links.  Until then, this is just a placeholder to get rid of all the red "broken link" indicators. -ZM User (talk) 10:00, 3 May 2024 (PDT))