Fred Winthrop

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(Copied straight from .XML 'backup' file, needs formatting and corrections. ZM User (talk) 20:15, 22 April 2024 (PDT))

Fred Winthrop is the lead and title character in 'A Perfect 10' by Akarge. He has a CAP score of 10.0 and the majority of his family also has qualifying scores allowing their 'clan' to be quite large upon pickup.

After reaching the rank of Major General in the US Army, where he had run Infantry Training Commands as well as spending time with several Special Operations units, Fred was secretly recruited by the Confederacy representatives to assist in the cleanup of the US Intelligence community. He served five years as the assistant director of the NSA before activating his promised option for a full family extraction and assignment to a colony as its Governor-General. Subsequently, he started recruiting specific veterans to form the basis for Vulcan on the planet Gerat in the Geratat system. Vulcan is founded just after the end of year five.